The biological techniques we use

We are your partner who will guide you through every phase of soil remediation. From the initial research, concept design, licensing, realization, monitoring, up to and including the completion of a remediation.

We use the following solutions - depending on the type of contamination:

  • Bioventing: injection of air to increase the amount of oxygen in the soil and stimulate the growth of bacteria that break down contaminants.
  • Air sparging: injection of air into groundwater zones to strip and remove contaminants from groundwater.
  • Shock load injections: one-off injection of nutrients and possibly bacteria to accelerate the breakdown and stimulation of contaminants.
  • Continuous injections via extraction and infiltration of groundwater with nutrients and bacteria.
  • ENNA: We have developed this technique in-house and works based on soy injection.

Contact us today for a customized remediation solution.


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