Rental CatOx units
Applications with low concentrations require a different approach and for these application we use our containerized rental CatOx units.
CatOx units are using catalyst materials to oxidize VOC’s present in vapour and air streams in an enclosed environment at temperatures between 330 ˚C to 550 ˚C.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
What makes our CatOx system really unique is that they can also process chlorinated hydrocarbons.
With an energy recovery rate of up to 85%, used for the oxidizing process itself, and being 100% electrical, it makes our CatOx units very energy efficient.
Typical applications :
- Tank Maintenance
- Degassing decanters and buffer tanks
- Odour control
- Soil remediation
- Waste Water Treatment (WWT)
- Testing prior to procuring a stationary solution
Interested if a CatOx system is a solution for you? Want to know more?
Contact us for a detailed advise for your application.